World-Renowned Family Business Executive Advisor, Author & Keynote Speaker; Founding Partner & MD, RTS Global Partners



Dreams do not come true!

Only wishing or wanting for something to happen is not enough to turn dreams into reality. Positive thoughts alone are not enough. If these were the only principles in life, then everyone would accelerate the achievement and reality of their inner desires.

With The S.M.I.L.E. Model we explore 5 Key Principles and 8 Laws of Life worth adopting and expressing to accelerate the reality of your dreams. These are combined with the building blocks of a Dream Book in 12 areas of your life, and applying the Rule of 63. All explained in this article.

The 5 Key Principles


1. Soul Alignment

2. Mind Alignment

3. Internal Intention

4. Love Reality

5. External Reality

The 8 Laws of Life


1. The Law of Silence

2. The Law of Alignment

3. The Law of Knowing

4. The Law of Giving

5. The Law of Acceptance

6. The Law of Gratitude

7. The Law of Pleasure

8. The Law of Detachment

Your Dream Book

The basic starting point and foundation for applying these principles and laws, starts by knowing what you want. In life we either try to move forward with random wishes or get influenced by others to help achieve their goals and dreams, and simply become drifters or puppets. We must go beyond this and get some self-control back with what we really want in life.

In life we are always celebrating something or neglecting something, it is a constant juggling act to get some level of balance in all areas of our life. We constantly have to work on it, but never reach perfection. Problems will continue to come up, obstacles will come our way and a slap on our face from time to time will come to play.

Getting clarity on what you want is like an architect brainstorming what type of home we want to build before designing it.

Here are 12 Key Areas of Life worth brainstorming and dreaming about. The objective would be to THINK IT & INK IT. To start writing down what you want see show up in all these areas. There are no deadlines or realistic goals. Don’t allow your inner mind to talk you out of obtaining something. Anything is possible. We have enough evidence from 7 billion people on the planet and many billions before us, who have turned dreams into reality from establishing space travel, the internet, mobile phones, electric cars, social media, man-made islands to bio-technology breakthroughs – all these started with thoughts in someone’s mind. It started with simply a possibility.

Start your possibility thinking and brainstorming exercise in the below areas.

The 12 Areas of Life

1. Wealth

2. Health

3. Home

4. Marriage

5. Family

6. Career

7. Friends

8. Hobbies

9. Material

10. Education

11. Spiritual

12. Contribution

Not all areas may be important or relevant to you right now, however all areas are covered here for what is important to most people.

  • What things do you want to achieve in your career and/or business?
  • What special memories do you want to create with your family?
  • Where do you want to travel?
  • What language do you want to learn?
  • What physical activities or wellness program would you like to enroll into?
  • What hobbies and recreational activities would you like to pursue?
  • What would you like to do for your community, society or others and make a contribution?
  • What type of partner would you like to attract and get married to?
  • What material possession do you want to acquire and own?
  • What part of your home do you want to upgrade?
  • Where do you want to live and work in the future?

The possibilities are endless, if you keep asking yourself the right questions:

What do I want? Who do I want to become? What do I want do? What do I want to have in my life?

Ultimately any goal or dream is to provide us with happiness. We want that feeling of satisfaction or joy or contentment or peace or feelings of bliss.

Life is all about choices – you have the right to choose. So what do you choose?

Once you have chosen, we suggest you start the process of finding images that re-present what you want. Our brain works with pictures, not just words. Words were created to drive communication with language. If you went to a new country and they don’t understand your language, how would you communicate? Could you use facial gestures and hand signals? Could you use a piece of paper and draw something? The answer is probably YES! So, it is not about words.

Images and pictures are what make the difference; they can be downloaded from the web or you could draw something or get someone else to draw something for you or take a new picture with your camera, add some photoshop and re-create a new image that is close as possible to what you want. Once I was delivering a talk and describing exactly what is in this article. An attendee in the audience wanted to send his two young boys to a school of his dreams. I asked him to visit the school and take a picture of his boys standing outside the school, pointing to the school name, as if they had been accepted. Three years later I met the same man again, who told me his boys were now enrolled into the school with emotion and deep gratitude. He followed the principles outlined in this article.

Once you have all the images and collated them, it is time to place them into your Dream Book. I’m sure you have a physical photo album at home or at least a digital version on your smart phone or online or sitting on some cloud.

Why do we keep these photos? For most it is to look back and feel joy and remind ourselves of what we did, who we did it with and how we felt when we experienced it. Our photo albums are images of the past, that make us feel good in the present.

Your Dream Book, is essentially a photo album, but not for your past…it’s for your future. Think of it as a future photo album. For those of you who still read books and love to touch paper, it makes sense to buy a new photo album, which will become your Dream Book. For the modern high-tech person, you might prefer to start an online Dream Book using a social media private page or an app on your mobile device. They key is to store it in a place, where you have access to it easily. My preference is still the physical version, which I prefer to touch. Most Dream Books have about 20-24 pages, so enough space for at least 2 pages for every area of your life.

Now stick those pictures into your Dream Book. Ideally have 2 pages dedicated to each area of your life – i.e. Wealth, Health, Home etc.

Make sure you have congruency with all areas of your life. Some alignment at least. Also get your family involved. If you want to live in an Apartment and your spouse in a Villa for all your children, and your children can’t wait to have their own place in a different country and move out quickly – then you are not aligned. Try establish some common ground on what you want as a family. This can accelerate your dreams into reality, as the energy from all members is shifted into one place – bullseye!

The real work starts after your Dream Book is ready. Try avoid making any regular changes. I prefer to update mine every 1-2 years. So having clarity is key. Give your mind a chance to get used to the dreams you have in your dream book. Constant changes will only confuse your mind. A good time to go through your Dream Book, is first thing in the morning and last thing at night, as this when you can enter day-dream state. Doing this consistently over 2-3 months will embed every image in your Dream Book into your mind. Thereafter, looking at it once a week is sufficient and after one year, looking at it once a month is more than enough. When going through the images, it is vital you place yourself in the images, as if you are experiencing them in the present. It’s a game you are playing with your mind. The same way you can look at past pictures and feel good, do the same with the future images as if they are in the present. In reality, they are not here yet, but in your mind they are. The more times you visit the same image and get into the detail of it all, the more your mind and brain cells think this is true. Now we just need to catch-up with it and experience it for real.

Let’s now attempt to integrate the Dream Book with the 5 Key Principles of S.M.I.L.E.

How do you know you are on track in life?

How do we eliminate the feelings of fear or doubt?

How do get over trying to control something happening?

Principle #1  & #2 – Soul & Mind Alignment

The first test on whether your dreams are really your dreams and if you want them to turn into reality, is by assessing if you have Soul & Mind Alignment. Your mind thinks, whilst your soul looks after all the details and guides you. When your mind wants something and your soul gives you back a sensation of knowing, with calmness mixed with a bit of excitement – this is what we call Soul & Mind Alignment.

When this happens your dreams can be accelerated and it’s like a confirmation, that you are on the right track. Most people try force things to happen or sit around waiting for something to happen. These both contradict the acceleration of dreams turning into reality. Have you ever tried to force something to happen, only then to face more obstacles and more stress, but then slowly it leads to something you didn’t really want? On the flip-side, have you wanted something, but carried on with your business, let it go, not tried to force it, and like a miracle it lands on your lap with no pressure or stress?

Your Mind has 60,000 thoughts a day. Some you are inputting consciously and in most cases your sub-conscious is running wild, like the fence got torn down at the stables and your horsepower is now running a mock in your field of dreams. In addition, your friends, family and your external environment is constantly influencing you and bombarding you with adverts, messages and noise! The key here is to control what you let in (press your ‘enter’ button virtually in your mind), based on what you want and control what you don’t want (press your ‘delete’ button virtually in your mind) and don’t let other people’s negative stuff get into your memory bank.

Outside of this you really can’t control anything else, as your mind has thousands of images coming in and out all day long – 24 hours a day. The key here is to keep slipping in what you want and ignore the rest. Keep bringing back images from your Dream Book. Your soul will then confirm with feelings if you are on track or not. The rest, let it come and go and give no real importance to it, as they are just random images and thoughts.

On an advanced note – if you do get a Random Popping Sensation (RPS) thought-moment, backed-up with strong feelings, then take time to listen to this RPS. What I am saying is, if you are thinking of something and suddenly a new thought jumps and pops into your mind, which is Random, and it continues to Pop in your mind, a few times during the same day and it gives you a Sensational feeling, then take action immediately. Move forward and do something aligned to that RPS. This is when your Soul & Mind are in complete alignment and talking to each other in harmony. This is like the Conductor at work – orchestrating your dreams into reality.

Principle #3 – Internal Intention

The next alignment is with Internal Intent combined with Love Intent to get External Reality. I use the words Internal Intent or Intention to describe something you 100% want, which is backed-up with a high level of determination and willpower. As I started off stating – Dreams do not come true! Having an Internal Intention is more powerful then having a Dream or a Desire or a Wish. An Internal Intention is when your Mind is connected with your Heart and you shift from wanting something as a may be, to elevating it to being a must, to I know it will happen, to I trust it will happen and I will move towards it until I experience having it. In one of my talks I refer to this as the Emotional Thermometer – cold being I can’t or I won’t to warm being may be I can, to reaching boiling point being I must.

The energy that one expresses, with Internal Intent is clearly visible to others. The opposite is also true when someone is in a comfort-zone, who doesn’t want to get uncomfortable and has no internal positive intent – only lazy intent, with equal determination and willpower to achieve nothing. So qualify your dreams carefully.

Do you chase them with intent? Do you have the willpower to continue chasing the dream regardless of what comes up? How badly do you want this dream to turn into reality? Why do you really want it? What’s driving you? What’s the purpose behind it all? Answers to these questions will fuel your Internal Intentions or eliminate them from your Dream Book very quickly.

Once we are clear with our Internal Intentions, one must move towards them and do something. We now bring in the Rule of 63.

There is research in the world, stated by many, that it takes 21 days to create a new habit. I disagree, as I have evidence that 21 days is not enough, hence I re-researched this information and then ended up created the Rule of 63 to conclude on my research and discoveries.

I have witnessed enough people going back to their old habits very quickly. So what does this have to do with Internal Intention. Our Internal Intent, combined with our Soul & Mind Alignment, should give us this urge and Emotion to do something. This Emotion should then turn into Motion. However, where shall we channel it? The key here is not to control your outside world. You can come up with the best plan in the world, but for some reason it won’t work out the precise way we wanted it to happen or planned it, however we can still get to the end destination.It’s like stocks and shares, one can not predict the markets every second, but they can navigate the ups and downs to get to the end point of growth or profits over a period of time, and assess when to get out.

Principle #4 – Love Reality

So the contradiction, is to create motion and move forward, but by not controlling all the outcomes. How do we do this? The integration of Internal Intention and External Reality is via Love Reality. Sounds a bit fluffy doesn’t it! Putting it into context, we are simply talking about finding something you enjoy doing, that can provide value to others with your talent or skills and passion. This provides people with self-love, which gives more fuel to their dreams becoming real. You don’t need to think about what will happen next week or the next month. All you have to do is Love what you do and Love Your Reality in the present.

If you now apply the Rule of 63 with the Love Reality principle, miracles will happen, but you created all of them. The Rule of 63 is broken down into 3 x 21 day cycles. The intention is to do something everyday that is simple to do, which really takes limited effort to do, aligned to your Dreams. So for example if you wanted to expand your business to a new country, in the first 21 day cycle, the intent could be to surf the web for 15 minutes a day. One has now gone from a blank piece of paper to starting the change process. However, change is temporary. After 21 days, we are now ready to upgrade. So let’s now pretend in this example the same person, takes the 21 days of web research they have completed and has an intent to call 1 new person a day in that new country with no control of the outcome, apart from randomly calling whoever they have come across from their initial random surfing.Think of it like an adventure not hard work.

After 21 days, 21 different conversations have taken place. We have now shifted from changing something to creating a new habit. The person will feel dirty the next day if he/she doesn’t call up a new person. It’s the same as brushing your teeth, you do it every day don’t you? All because it’s a habit. We now upgrade again for the next 21 day cycle, taking it to the complete 63 days and have applied the Rule of 63. This time we decide to take the advice and information from the 21 people we have spoken to and create brainstorming sessions for 1 hour a day with our internal teams. In the next 21 days how many ideas will one have to expand into that market? You have now shifted from developing a habit to experiencing transformation. This is part of process of developing DDI’s (Daily Discipline Indicators). The DDI’s shape our habits that then run on auto-pilot, just like brushing your teeth everyday.

Principle #5 – External Reality

The great news here, is that the 21 people spoken to during the second cycle, may well be interested in what you are offering, or introduce you to someone else. This random approach gets you closer to External Reality. You are not in control of how you will reach the end destination, the only control is your DDI’s and the Rule of 63, aligned with something you Love to do everyday. I personally applied this to my health in 2014, and by using the Rule of 63, lost over 30 kilos in weight and dropped 8 inches off my waist-line. The key was to start, enjoy myself everyday, create self-love, enjoy what I was eating and kept upgrading my plan over 63 days. To date I look back as to the transformation created in such a short space of time, when prior to this year, I spent 20 years trying to fix it, control it, doubt it and sabotage it. These principles apply to everything we do, in all areas of life.

In summary, THINK IT & INK IT when it comes to your dreams in all 12 areas of your life. Build a Dream Book. Collate images for all areas. Make them come alive in your mind as if they are real today. Listen to your Soul & Mind, and feel the alignment. If you don’t feel it, you are not on track. Be clear on your Internal Intentions, keep visualizing them and climb over your other 60,000 thoughts that may distract your focus. Find something you Love to do, use the Rule of 63 and turn your Emotions into Motion. Start moving forward with something simple to do everyday, then keep upgrading. Use DDI’s and take those baby steps. Then External Reality will appear but not how you planned it. Being nimble on this journey is key and enjoying it – as if it was an adventure.

However we are only 50% complete as upset, worry, stress, issues, dramas, obstacles, problems and adversity will come our way to try stop us from achieving our dreams. So how will we overcome these? We are ready to understand the 8 Laws of Life to overcome any of these negative situations.

There are 8 Laws of Life we must master, allowing us to turn our dreams into reality.

In this article I have kept the explanations of the 8 Laws simple and will write more on these in the future. From experience one must master the 5 Key Principles of S.M.I.L.E. first, with the Dream Book and Rule of 63 process to accelerate results. Then problems show up and adopting the 8 Laws are a must to counter these problems. I was once asked by a client, do you every get stressed? I told him, stress shows up everyday, but I choose not to let it into my house and close the door. I then explained to him how with the 8 Laws of Life:

1st is the Law of Silence:

Imagine everyday 60,000 thoughts jumping around in your brain. Combine that with everyone else’s 60,000 x the number of people you work with, gives you an example of just how complex a working environment can be. For years I have worked on transforming cultures only to discover, how one new person joining a company can potentially create enough drama within a few weeks to pop the entire existing cultural bubble in your company. If you were working with 100 other people in your company, you can’t control 6 million thoughts a day (that’s 180 million per month) collectively. If Internal Intentions become External Reality based on your determination, willpower and motion towards something, it will be equal as a positive or negative force. Either 100 people can swing one way or the other, or in real terms, continue to swing over each other all the time every second of the day.

Imagine everyone is contracted to a different mobile network service provider, and 100 people all make outbound calls at the same time – imagine 100 different networks all in the same room and crossing over each other, and in some cases they cross over into someone else’s conversation, flipping continuously in and out of someone else’s line. We can’t see this with the naked eye, but this is precisely what is happening around us all the time. It’s like an invisible energy field governed by our collective inner thoughts.

Have you ever had thoughts of someone and then suddenly they have showed up? Have you ever been in a conversation and you are about to speak and someone else speaks out first with exactly what you were going to say – word for word? Our thoughts jump, move, cross-over and have their own energy. And our thoughts have the power to influence our external landscape and show up in the form of reality. Sometimes very quickly and sometimes extremely slowly, subject to how we use the 8 Laws of Life.

In summary, the Law of Silence is about mastering what thoughts to hang on to and what to let go of. It’s about silencing the mind and being present in the moment, to enter the thoughts you want and listening to the passive RPS (Random Popping Sensation) thoughts that come to you. You don’t need all your 60,000 thoughts every day to be successful, you only need to enter your Internal Intentions at least 3 times a day and listen to at least 3 passive RPS thoughts a day, to be navigated on what to do next.

In addition, find ways to sit in silence, find a time in the day to slow your thoughts down. If you are busy everyday, and not getting any me-time or silence-time, you will not tap into your unhidden potential and unleash your DNA fully. I don’t have all the answers, but addressing over 2 million people in 56 countries to date, and formally working with over 100 clients and their thousands of employees has given me credible insights and patterns as a reference. However, I have one new experiment I intend to do soon with different groups. It will include 100 people in one company to all practice the Law of Silence together at a specific time everyday, and then navigate the right thoughts at the the right time in a real work environment, and apply this for 63 days! – I’ll let you know by 2025 what happens...

2nd is the Law of Alignment:

In one of my talks that I’ve delivered a few hundred times, I talk about alignment using the words THINK-FEEL-DO. We’ve already spoken about the Dream Book, Soul & Mind Alignment and the Rule of 63. When you combine these principles and techniques you drive alignment. THINKING is all about your thoughts, FEELING is all about your emotions, DOING is all about your daily disciplined actions. Combined and aligned you can accelerate the reality of your dreams. If you are mis-aligned, you can end up somewhere you don’t want to be.

If your mind is telling you one thing and your heart something else, and you are doing something physically that is inconsistent with what your mind or your heart is expressing – what do you think will happen?

The right thoughts, with the right feelings with the right action is the key to alignment.

Have you every felt a certain way about something or someone, but your mind told you to do the opposite and agree on something different regardless of the feeling – what was the outcome? Have you every thought this is what I really want, but then contradicted yourself and taken a different action, went down a different path, because you got influenced by someone else, only then to question where you have ended up and why?

When working with retained clients, we use two of our toolkits to navigate alignment throughout a company, these are called the Weekly ROI process and the ROPE Review Meeting. Contact us to find out more about these tools and come back to read articles on the same.

3rd is the Law of Knowing:

One incredible disease that loves to kill off our dreams is doubt. As human beings we get uncomfortable with the unknown, until we know. We want control, certainty and want to eliminate all risks that make us feel insecure. Imagine for a second that you have been going to the same excellent restaurant for 20 years, once a week consistently. The owner is the same, the chef is the same, the waiter is the same and signature dishes have been the same for 20 years, it’s a small family business, they have kept it like that with no plans to expand. When you order from the menu, do you doubt whether your food will come on time, whether the dish will be cooked differently and question whether the service will be any different to the last 20 years? No you don’t. It will be like an unwritten ground rule, that this is how things are done in this restaurant. Imagine if you were going to the restaurant for the first-time with the same mindset. Knowing in advance, before you actually know.

The law of knowing, it not to question or debate or allow any degree of doubt to enter your mind. You have to know that you know, that what you want will happen, has happened and you will experience it in reality soon. Other people may ridicule you for having such a dream, some may tell you it is impossible, some will feel uncomfortable if you are more successful, and try stop you, some may wish you all the best, but tell you it will be difficult, and some will whole-heartly back you up 100% with only positive intentions – press the enter button when that happens.

The key here is whether you know, not what others say. Is your knowing unshakeable? Is it so firmly grounded like a solid pole in concrete, so if someone smashed into it, they would damage themselves first! You may think how is this possible to action in reality. If you Know it in your mind and heart, you will catch up with it. If you Know it, but on the flip side doubt it and give too much thought on trying to control it, you will not move towards it. You may end up getting something you don’t want.

Owe it yourself to Know it!

4th is the Law of Giving:

Whilst we practice the other laws, it is important to give a part of you to others. You have a unique talent, skill, passion or idea worth unleashing. Once you make the effort to make a difference to others with your talent and energy, you end up being introduced to other people who get you closer to your dreams. The flip-side is to be lazy, watch more TV, eat more, have no movement during the day and go to sleep without impacting at least one other human being during the day.

There are different levels of giving. One can have a mindset to give but selfishly wishing to get something in return. Another can focus on giving value with their talent or with a product or a service they are passionate about, and charge for it too, but focused on making a difference to their customer/client or whomever they are providing the value to, without expecting something in return immediately.

When I first started my professional speaking career, I made a commitment to give up to 20 no-fee speeches to anyone who would listen to me. I also made a commitment to invite 16 people who knew me from before, who were Owners & Senior Executives. I asked them to spend 4 hours with me. I offered to cover all their expenses to join me and offered to give them food and beverage too. All I wanted was an audience of quality people who could give me some honest feedback and give me the conviction that others like them, would want to listen to this content and pay for it one day. Could I turn this knowledge into a business I asked? That day changed my life, as all 16 attendees gave me an endorsement and reference and who would think a decade later, over 500,000 CEO’s/Owners had experienced the same speech and further master-classes. Those initial sessions, built my speaker brand called “Unleash Your DNA” and resulted in all the things I do today, like writing this article for you.

It all started from giving and not taking. The world is full of abundance and not scarcity. Most people think selfishly like there is not enough to go around. If 1,000 people all congregated on the beach with individual buckets, and we told them all to go the ocean quickly, to fill their buckets up with water, then come back and empty them into a gigantic tank, and then do the same over and over again to extract as much water as possible – would the ocean run out of water? We could keep going for months and years and it would not end.

Find a way to give, add as much value to others. If you can also charge for it, even better! Remember abundance not scarcity.

5th is the Law of Acceptance:

When something doesn’t go to plan, which at some point it will, do you accept it or fight it? Accepting people, accepting obstacles, accepting rejection, accepting bad news or even a death, is difficult to do in life. This law can be life changing if adopted consistently. Have you ever had a situation before that was tough and emotionally disappointing? You then tried to overcome it by taking certain actions or possibly avoiding certain people or events. The pressure built up, more drama took place, more stress came into your life, and then eventually you decided to surrender, and accept the reality of the situation as you felt there was no other choice.

You felt like you had no other options. Then suddenly in that moment of acceptance a solution appeared to solve the big problem. Depending on the laws playing out, one in that situation can transform their reality or make things worse and dig a bigger hole. Remember you are not in control of all the External Reality. You can not predict exactly how something will play out.

In a Football/Soccer game, no one before the game starts can predict the exact number of passes that will be made, who to and when, what obstacles will arise and what the final score will be. However, the team of 11 men, who are all aligned and accept whatever comes their way during the 90 minutes will not doubt their final intention, of winning this game. If the opposition scores, they will accept it and move on. Alternatively they may not accept the goal just scored, complain to the referee and the opposition, which could lead to a red card and their own player sent off – what now? Still accept this outcome or now take revenge and on purpose try get the opposition’s player sent off in return. The quicker we can accept an outcome, whether it be good or bad, the quicker we move towards our dream or kill off the energy and then we need to start all over again.

What are you fighting right now? What do you need to surrender to? What do you need to let go of? What do you need to accept?

Is it really that important that you have to keep thinking about it or try control it. Let go of the importance and accept what is in front of you. Someone once told me, that when you have a pain anywhere   in or on your body, it is in direct proportion to the importance you are giving something. The second you accept a situation, the importance goes away and the stress and health condition along with it.

6th is the Law of Gratitude:

Every year on my birthday I take out a special journal and write down all the things I am grateful for, that happened in the previous 12 months, since my last birthday. It’s a great exercise to do.

What are you grateful for? It’s not always about the big things in life. The small things can be more meaningful. Quality time spent with your grandmother or your sister or meeting up for dinner with some old friends can be special. However, being grateful is not just about the good things.

This law applies to both positive and negative events, the good and bad, like day and night – essentially any situation.

In my early 20’s after setting up my first company, I was facing bankruptcy just before my 21st birthday. It was a horrible, highly emotional and a frightening situation. At the time my world collapsed around me. For weeks I did not want to talk to anyone. I didn’t take responsibility and was blaming others for the reality I was facing. Eventually by applying some of the principles in this article, I turned my negative experiences into a positive outcome. I went on to build my first million-dollar business by the age of 26 and by age 30 was speaking at major business schools around the world – talking about being an entrepreneur and the mistakes to avoid. Today I am grateful for that part of my life.

The key here is to accelerate the law of gratitude. When something is positive, being grateful gives you more energy. Saying a simple thank-you in your mind, attracts more of what you already got. If something is not working, equally being grateful can lead to giving you energy, simply by asking yourself, what can I learn from this and thank you for showing me this problem. The minute you decide to moan, groan, complain or blame your reality, you are giving the opposite energy and will attract more of what you don’t want. Be grateful, learn from it, be nimble, make a mindset change and move forward.

7th is the Law of Pleasure:

I once watched a TV program where it showed someone who sold his company, then used some of it to build a hugh castle, then used it to entertain guests and have lots of parties. At first I thought this person was mad and outrageous, but then I could see he was happy and loving every minute of the experience. At the same time, he had spent millions on construction, fixtures, fittings and the large consumption of ongoing food, beverage and live shows for his guests. Indirectly his passion for pleasure, resulted in hundreds of jobs being created and the flow of money going back out to others. It is a ripple effect.

The more fun you have, the more positive energy you create for your dreams and others. What gives you pleasure? What activity makes you happy? What’s makes you laugh lots? When a human being is happy, positive chemicals are surrounding their body. This is a good time to inject what you want. Having fun with one hand and injecting positive images of what you want with the other.

Once I was making a keynote speech in London, about my daughter ‘Shaan’, and her early childhood experiences about discovering her hidden talents. I was so excited about making this particular speech for the first time, as it encapsulated at that time all the work I was doing about ‘Unleashing Your DNA’. The result was a speech that made so much impact, that 3 people in the room that day, subsequently referred me to clients, who have in turn introduced me to more clients, resulting in over $1million in speaking and advisory fees generated in less than 3 years from that 30 minute speech. My intention or dream was never to achieve all this from 1 speech. It was all about the joy of delivering it and experiencing pleasure by making a difference to others with the story.

One single act of pleasure combined with your passion can transform your life and business.

Are you living life or is your life living you? Are you experiencing pleasure most of the time or swimming around in pain? What can you start doing immediately that will give you pleasure?

8th is the Law of Detachment:

The final law to execute everyday is that of detachment. If I knocked on your door today, and had the authority to empty your home, remove all of your belongings and material possessions, how would you feel? In life we get attached to certain people, possessions, job roles, businesses, environments, products, routines and lots of other things. When it comes to business, we all have goals, strategic objectives and visions we want to achieve. The fine balance of this law, lives in-between Attachment and Detachment.

On the two sides of the same hand we have Attachment and Detachment. With one side we are attached to a dream, we want something to happen, sometimes within a given timeframe. On the other side the key is to detach yourself from the outcome. It’s like wanting it, knowing you will get it, carry on doing what you love to do, be grateful for what you already have, accept everything is working perfectly and now detach yourself from it all.

I refer to this as The Accelerated-Boomerang Conflicting-Dream (ABCD) Effect. Breaking this down, it means attachment and detachment are conflicting with each other all the time, yet they need each other. You don’t get day without night or good without bad as a distinction and experience. So wanting something and then detaching yourself from getting it, is conflicting but it works. This releases a unique energy that accelerates the boomerang to capture and grab what you want and bring it right back to you with speed and accuracy – the ABCD Effect.

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The 12 Areas of Life


1. Wealth

2. Health

3. Home

4. Marriage

5. Family

6. Career

7. Friends

8. Hobbies

9. Material

10. Education

11. Spiritual

12. Contribution

Use Your Dream Book & The Rule of 63

The 5 Key Principles


1. Soul Alignment

2. Mind Alignment

3. Internal Intention

4. Love Reality

5. External Reality

The 8 Laws of Life


1. The Law of Silence

2. The Law of Alignment

3. The Law of Knowing

4. The Law of Giving

5. The Law of Acceptance

6. The Law of Gratitude

7. The Law of Pleasure

8. The Law of Detachment

©2015, All Rights Reserved, Reg Athwal, RAW Group & RTS Global Partners; Extracts from the Keynote Speech – “Unleash Your Personal DNA”.

For more information on how we can help you turn your dreams into reality as an individual or as a family business, then write to the author in confidence: reg@rtsgp.com.

About RTS Global Partners

We offer leading-edge scientific and practical advisory, consulting, education and venture solutions to family owned businesses and conglomerates, as well as large corporates with an entrepreneurial DNA. We also provide superior management consulting services for businesses who want to transform their human-capital and grow into new markets across Africa and Middle East.

As a rapidly-growing advisory and consulting firm, we have members supporting 100 key clients in 8 countries and adding value to millions of employees with our collective knowledge capital, DNA systems and DNA processes. Our company is the creator of the ‘Unleash Your DNA’ brand and ‘The DNA Model’. 80 percent of our senior leadership team are client-facing professionals from different nationalities. We have plans to expand our Partner Network to 22 countries by 2022 across Africa and Middle East and service 22,000 clients, which is all part of our Vision 2022.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you transform your business.


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