We live and work in a time of massive demand, often being asked to produce more from or with less.
How do we as individuals, teams and organizations successfully meet those demands? The need for effective, high performance behavior has never been greater. What do you do to ensure your performance successfully meets the demands of your life and business?
What is your business doing to ensure your corporate strategy is successfully implemented and the relevant results are achieved from people that thrive?
If you are like most, engaged in this ever-expanding cycle of need and solutions, you ensure that you have the very best people. You give those people all that they need to do a great job, including the latest market information, the best technology, a clear and inspiring vision & mission, and a structure that elicits motivation, all managed in a professional and effective way. The problem is that everyone is doing the same that includes your competitors. Therefor, the question becomes, “How can you create a new, real, sustainable, competitive advantage over and above what you’re already doing?
I believe the answer to that question is to take what you have, go to work on developing the strengths of your people and the positives in your corporate culture, and begin a process of distinguishing and eliminating all sabotorial thinking and behavior.
Consider that inside of all human beings is an ontological saboteur who is committed to causing pain and suffering. It doesn’t care how much or how little, as long as it’s more than what comes as part of living. It’s a master of disguise and ruthless in its determination to succeed in its mission. It’s so successful at disguising itself and remaining hidden, as the source of ineffective destructive thinking and behavior, that it may even be saying to you right now, “I can see that in others but I do not have it in me.”
What could you and your organization achieve if every single member was able to distinguish this type of thinking and eliminate it? There would be no need for anyone to change; they would just have the ability to manage themselves on a new higher level where their strengths were at play more often. Multiply that across your entire culture and what you have is a sustainable high performance culture. Then, what would be possible for individuals and the group as a whole?
Whether you’re a new apprentice of the shop floor, a global CEO or anywhere in between, we all have a dark side, a part of us that is hidden, private and camouflaged. It may show itself as being overly nice and unable to say no, or it might come out as arrogant and unable to connect or as perfectionism unable to delegate. You may even related to it as a strength also knowing it’s an area of weakness as well.
The need for us all to have a profound level of personal awareness and understanding of who we are and what’s running our show, so to speak, has never been more relevant than it is today. Everything we do is being done faster and faster in one global market and yet the people operating in that arena are doing so from a level of consciousness that is not a match for the market or the demands of business today.
Being who you have always been will get you what you have always had. Nothing wrong with that but to thrive and produce extraordinary results you need to be more than you have ever been, doing what you have never done and therefor achieving what you have never achieved before. This can be accomplished by distinguishing and removing the obstacles the barriers that sabotage what is truly possible.
Meeting the demands of business and life today in a way that ensures people who are thriving produce extraordinary results is the future.
ABN- AMRO Bank – Mr Eric Steeghs, MD Client Service, “David and his team have helped me to build a strong team of managers. There were quite a few skeptics among us prior to our sessions. However, by the end, everyone agreed that we had made a big leap forward as a team. I personally have found the work to be very valuable, as it has contributed to improved performance. David’s partnership is based on authenticity and honesty while remaining focused on business results.”
Lang LaSalle – Mr R. Orr, CEO Europe, “David Sherman designed and delivered one of the most effective coaching programs I have experienced. Many managers and leaders within our firm struggled to resolve issues, which nearly always revolved around problems in their interaction with colleagues (and sometimes clients). David’s skill to get people to understand and address the causes of these problems by looking closely at them, provided the foundation for us resolving a range of management issues, particularly with regard to people conflicts. Very often these ‘blockages’ prevented effective implementation of strategy or worse still, lead to undue tolerance of ‘corporate hijackers’ within our own company. There were several other lasting benefits for the participants and our company but I would highlight the very personal attention of David who ran all of the courses himself.”
Jones Lang LaSalle – Mr. P. Yearley, MD of Global Consulting, “We selected David Sherman to design and deliver a challenging component of our European Business Transformation Program. His personal experience, business references combined with his enthusiasm, agility and clarity of purpose combined to distinguish David and his team from their competitors. Now four years later we reflect on the wisdom of this appointment as evidenced by the senior leadership feedback from across the European Region. Organizational change is a complex, sensitive and politically challenging and this specialist team have for us delivered on their promise.”
United Talent – Mr E van Oosten, CEO, ” David’s programs and coaching has supported my senior team in their development and produce results that we’re beyond expectations.”
Christies – Mr. J. Ubbens, Chairman, The Netherlands, “Our people are self motivated and inspired again. Everyone takes personal responsibility for his or her thinking, behavior and results. We understand each other better, communicate more effectively and work more productively. We are successful”.
Avero/Achmea – Mr B. van Veen, Managing Director, “Thanks to the powerful approach of this program, we broke through old, unprofitable beliefs. The program made a big difference for us in the way we work together. We are more effective. This became directly visible in work, stock and costs”
Johnson & Johnson Medical Benelux B.V – Mr V. Postema, MD, “The approach that David and his team implemented, supported us to start functioning as an effective management team again. This enabled us to inspire and motivate our people in taking personal responsibility for being successful.
About RTS Global Partners
We offer leading-edge scientific and practical advisory, consulting, education and venture solutions to family owned businesses and conglomerates, as well as large corporates with an entrepreneurial DNA. We also provide superior management consulting services for businesses who want to transform their human-capital and grow into new markets across Africa and Middle East.
As a rapidly-growing advisory and consulting firm, we have members supporting 85 key clients in 7 countries and adding value to millions of employees with our collective knowledge capital, DNA systems and DNA processes. Our company is the creator of the ‘Unleash Your DNA’ brand and ‘The DNA Model’. 80 percent of our senior leadership team are client-facing professionals from different nationalities. We have plans to expand our Partner Network to 22 countries by 2022 across Africa and Middle East and service 22,000 clients, which is all part of our Vision 2022.
Contact us to learn more about how we can help you transform your business and enroll in our executive coaching program to Unleash Your Performance DNA.